Wednesday, January 26, 2011

He Came to Give Us Life!

Happy 2011! Time sure flys! It seems like yesterday that we were storing food and water for the turn of the century melt down!
I listened to a podcast the other day where the person said "Why is January in such a big hurry!" Yes and Feb., March, ect. seem to follow suit. Before you know it it will be Christmas again!
Ahhh but there is a very slow time when the summer months of June, July, August and Sept seem to crawl through time. These are the hottest months of the year in Arizona and it feels like you will never be able to put on a sweater again in your lifetime:) You keep looking way off in the distance to the day when things will change. When you don't have to touch a hot steering wheel or end up jumping from grassy spot to grassy spot to get your mail cuz you figured you'd just run out to the mailbox for a second with no shoes. You keep dreaming about that far away tropical island where the weather remains constant..But you make it through the heat one more time... By the time the calendar states that officially Fall has arrived there is an excitement and anticipation of being able to snuggle in your comforter at night, have a fire in the fireplace and drink hot tea in the early morning. But that's all it anticipation because you are still sweating at night with no covers on. It does actually manifest itself, though, around Thanksgiving. Then after the New Year you start to savor every moment of cool air because you know record breaking temperatures are right around the corner.
So my point? Such is the analogy of the seasons of life. I guess at my age I have learned to savor everyday. I am excited to get out bed every morning. Just for today I want to live life to the fullest, by loving the Lord my God with all my heart, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him. He said He came to give us life and that we will have it more abundantly- John 10:10.... in 120 degrees or 32:)
So if He came to give me life then He is the One I need to listen to. I'm not good at knowing what is life. Sometimes I think I know but then it always seems to be a temporary thing. When ever I follow Jesus I find it is an eternal establishment in my heart. I love that. It feels secure and right.
He will, in each situation when I turn towards Him, tell me to remain quiet, love on her, do good to them, bless him, pray for that one. So for today I will do my best to hear His voice and obey it. I choose not to look down the road to live out that day and miss this one or look back at all the "what ifs" of life. In sickness and in health, when I'm rich or when I'm poor, in good times and in bad I will be true to my Bridegroom Jesus....just for today:) Happy New Year!