I recently heard a teaching on the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. One servant was given 5 talents from his master, one 3 talents and one was given one talent. The parable tells the story of what each one did with their talent or talents and whether or not they were able to multiply their talents by investing them in something. Of course the one with 5 did really well...the one with 3 did well also ...but the one with only one talent did nothing to increase the value of his talent. In fact, he hid it. He said he was afraid of the master and gave his master the one talent back hoping that would be sufficient.
A talent back then was about $1,000 but a talent doesn't have to be money to see the kingdom "law of use" manifest. Personal and corporate development come out of this principle. If we use the "talents" that were given to us to benefit others and ourselves there should be an increase.
It really makes you stop and think about what talents we have each received and whether or not we are using them to benefit the whole. Setting goals to increase in whatever we do can guarantee success to those who apply it in their physical, intellectual, relational and financial opportunities.
Take Grandma C. for instance. Now there's a woman with at least 5 talents! We met many moons ago at a boy scout meeting. We both home schooled our children and we both had rowdy little boys that liked all the things little boys like (snakes and snails and puppy dog tails) Our friendship grew as we engaged in home school co-ops, camping and friendship days. We now enjoy gorgeous grandma club and often times get together for grand boy outings!
In any case, our talents never seem very awesome to ourselves. We are our worse critics. The truth is most of us will never wow 10,000's with our talents but maybe 10 will be inspired by something we said or did. When you are the one receiving from talented people it can be life -changing, awe-inspiring or just make you feel happy. I think that's what our talents are for. To bring increase in love, comfort, encouragement or even challenge to our everyday lives and to keep us connected to one another. I can't go this way alone but I can go a long way with your creative talent nudging me through life.
So don't hide your one talent. Use it! I need you to.
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Your comments draw out emotions I didn't know I had.
Great encouraging words, Grandma P.
ReplyDeleteI will gladly go through life joining my talents with yours to bring glory to God and joy to those around us! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI just Love it! I love that parable! ... I can't believe you were "kicked out" of the hospital! crazy! ... I just knew who you were referring to! love you guys! (she would be great at blogging! ... then i'd be really late to work!)
ReplyDeleteGrandma C is an amazing lady! I still have our frog picture album when our front door frog went on a frolic back some 15 years ago! When the album came we knew for certain who was behind his trek! :-)